NCEIT County Coordinators and Others:
Next Steps: Organize Your NCEIT Local Task Forces.
Thank you once again for stepping up to be your County Coordinator. With the job of training poll observers and manning the precincts behind us, it’s time to tackle the other systems of election integrity. Remember, the Left has infiltrated and corrupted each of the systems and we have been absent. I am encouraging you to recruit one or two folks to organize the following task forces:
Now that the elections are over …
1) Board of Elections:
Contact your local BOE Director. Get on the email list of meeting notifications. Attend. Take notes.
· Electronic request for the 11/8/22 Election Day Zero Tapes for all precincts in your county. See here for model letter to submit to your local BOE.
· Electronic request the 11/8/22 Election Day Poll Tapes for all precincts for your county: See here for model letter to submit to you local BOE.
2) List Maintenance:
A. Provisional ballots/Overseas civilian ballots: There are problems to be addressed in every county. You need to request a list of provisional voters’ names, addresses and counties. How many were approved and how many disapproved? This is the problem: If the provisional vote is approved but their postcard is returned ‘Undeliverable, ‘ the voter is removed but their vote is counted in the election thereby disenfranchising legal voters. You need to find them. Challenge at a BOE meeting. Info on provisional is below.
Provisional Votes Approved/
Removed for not voting in 2 Federal elections. No record of registration elsewhere.
Sent postcard after election day and if not returned, proof of where the voter lives and deemed registered.
If postcard returned "Undeliverable" voter Removed (but their vote counted in the election).
The issue here is the Provisional vote was approved upon the voter's sworn statement that they "maintained continuous residence in the county" NCGS § 163A-877(d)(3)
[NCGS § 163-82.14(d)(3). (SeeNCSBE NM 2018-05 1.3 May 17, 2018)
If the postcard is returned Undeliverable to the county BOE, their vote has already been counted, disenfranchising legal voters. No action against them is initiated for vote fraud.
Your NCEIT Board will lobby for these changes. This is an issue that needs to be fixed with photo ID and a current local county address.
B. Overseas Civilian Ballots: Another problem area. Currently there is no requirement to verify that overseas civilians actually live in the county in which they are voting prior to moving overseas. Some submit summer camps as a past address.
Get a list of your overseas absentee ballots: names and addresses. Gather this information and submit that info to NCEIT so we can take this to the legislature to fix.
3. Post Office: Lobbying your U.S. Congressman. The post office will not allow citizens like you and I to tour the post office to find out how they handle absentee ballots. (You’ve seen 2000 Mules). How are they secured? (We have had some NCEIT members contact their Congressman: Patrick McHenry and Dan Bishop) Now, all of us need to contact our congressman and demand that they contact our local post offices and demand that civilians have access to the post office for tours and questions regarding handling of absentee ballots. (Look up your U.S. Congressman here ) Tell them to contact your local postmaster and demand we have access to the post office.
4. Last but not least: Your NCEIT team is going to Raleigh in January/February to lobby our NC Legislators for state statute and admin code changes to fix what we found across the state. Your SEIRS reports are affidavits.
Please don’t forget that the U.S. Supreme Court gave Republican legislative leaders in North Carolina a win back in June in a fight over the state’s latest photo identification voting law.
In an 8-1 decision, the U.S. Supreme Court ended the three-year-plus dispute over the voter ID law and held that legislative leaders in North Carolina can intervene in the federal case to defend the law. The GOP leadership has no more excuses.
Thank you. Call Jane at 209 986 3845 Email with questions. Thanks again.