Copy/Paste the following inserting your local information. (These are the Election Night poll tapes.)
FROM: Name & Address
TO: _______County Board of Elections
ATTN: __________, Director
___________________, 2022
SUBJECT: Request for ______County Tabulator Poll Tapes, November 8, 2022 General Election
1. I am requesting a digital copy of all poll tape information generated by tabulation machines operated by the county board of elections upon closure of the November 8, 2022 election. These records are needed as soon as possible, but no later than November 17, 2022 so that our election integrity team can complete its review and analysis of machine counts prior to post-election canvass (set for Nov 18, 2022).
2. We do not anticipate the need for election officials to redact any information contained on the poll tapes. At minimum these tapes should include the machine serial number, firmware/software version, and the final count of votes for each candidate and election on the ballot for that tabulator. We believe the envelopes are public records, releaseable under the provisions of NCGS § 132-1. Public Records.
3. "Public records" shall mean all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts, or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions.
4. I am requesting these poll tapes be provided to me at no charge in an electronic format that is commonly machine readable and in a common media form such as a thumb drive or DVD disc. If the county can instead print and provide a hard copy of these poll tapes- at no charge to this requestor- then the hard (image) copies of these tapes is also acceptable.
Tel. __________