Asheville Tea Party will be having monthly meetings the first Thursday of each month at IHOP, 229 Airport Road, Arden at 6PM.
On Thursday, August 4th, we will be showing the documentary 'Rigged: The Zuckerberg Plot To Defeat Donald Trump.' It will be followed by the winning strategy the North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT.org) is implementing to assure 2020 never happens again and how you can join the fight to assure election integrity. Sign ups for the NCEIT Regional Summit in Asheville on August 20th welcome.
Summary: Rigged is a documentary by Citizens United Productions, exposing Mark Zuckerberg for his role in funding drop-box ballot operations across the country during the 2020 Election.
This documentary outlines a blatant cover-up of the fact that a billionaire elitist used his personal fortune to illegitimately sway the 2020 Election in favor of Joe Biden. By placing ballot drop-boxes across the country, Zuckerberg helped facilitate the ballot harvesting that was used to rob the American people of their voice.
Please check out the posts on AshevilleTeaParty.org. Find out how the legislature, the judiciary, and the North Carolina State Board of Elections is doing everything in their power to stop us - but they won't. NCEIT is part of an eight state initiative to duplicate the 2021 Virginia electoral success. Come to the meeting and find out how this all came about and how to join this monumental to assure that we have a Republic.
Thank you. Jane@NCEIT.org