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Public Records Request for Poll Tapes Election Day, General Election 2022

County Coordinators: Please use this template to formally request the zero tape from each tabulating device (machine) in your county before election day. Chances are you won't get it. In the morning, when your folks show up to get the zero tape, you may be rejected. Use the App to record theshort conversation with the judge (you are legally allowed to record a conversation withlout permission of the other person as long as you are in the conversation). NCEIT will have a follow up Hot Wash right after the election to deal with these issues.

How do I image poll tapes and where do I send them? From We recommend using Actual Vote, which is a free app from America Counts. It’s available for iOS or Android. Actual Vote makes it easy to video-record poll tapes and access the results. By crowd-sourcing the work of video-recording all the tapes in NC and other states, we can all do our part to validate the vote.


Template for Public Records Request. You fill in your info.

FROM: Name & Address

TO: _______County Board of Elections

ATTN: __________, Director


___________________, 2022

SUBJECT: Request for ______County Zero Tapes, November 8, 2022 General Election

1. I am requesting a digital copy of the entire zero tape, from each tabulating device used in the November 8, 2022 General Election.

2. Each Zero Tape should be complete and reflect the tabulator serial number, firmware version, and zero counts for each race on the ballot, without redactions.

3. It is my understanding tabulators are set to print these electronic files on demand and that they are public records, releaseable under the provisions of NCGS § 132-1. Public Records.

4. "Public records" shall mean all documents, papers, letters, maps, books, photographs, films, sound recordings, magnetic or other tapes, electronic data-processing records, artifacts, or other documentary material, regardless of physical form or characteristics, made or received pursuant to law or ordinance in connection with the transaction of public business by any agency of North Carolina government or its subdivisions.

5. I am requesting these Zero Tapes be provided to me at no charge in an electronic format that is commonly machine readable and in a common media form such as a thumb drive or DVD disc.




Tel. __________


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