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Public Records Request for Committee for Safe and Secure Elections - CSSE

Updated: Jun 23, 2023

Public Records Request for Committee for Safe and Secure Elections (CSSE).

Copy/Paste into a clean email sheet and fill in your information.

To: Your Local County BOE Director




From: ____ County North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIt) Your Name

Address: _________

To: _______ County Board of Elections Date: ___________

Attention: (BOE Director________)

Subject: Request for Public Records for the Committee for Safe and Secure Elections

Pursuant to the North Carolina Freedom of Information Act, releasable under the provisions of NCGS 132-1, Public Records, I am requesting the following information.

Please provide me with any correspondence, including, but not limited to, letters, emails, faxes, phone call notes, meeting notes, grant applications, grant offers, grant contracts, scholarship applications, scholarship offers, scholarship contracts between anyone associated with The Committee for Safe and Secure Elections and anyone in the office of___________Director of ________ County Board of Elections, the Electoral Board, governing body, or other municipal employees, appointees and elected officials.

I am requesting this documentation be provided to me at no charge in an electronic format that is commonly machine readable (suck as pdf, jpg, etc.) and in a common media form such as email, thumb drive or DVD disc.

CC Your County Board of Elections members. Their emails should be on your county website)

Thank you.

Your name

Your Email:

Your Phone:

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