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How can NC stop illegal immigrants from registering to vote?

How can NC stop illegal immigrants from registering to vote?

A NC Constitutional Amendment will be on the ballot in 2024.  The amendment requires that “only a citizen

of the US… is entitled to vote… in NC”.    Our constitution currently says every person born in the US

or naturalize is entitled to vote…


The NC Constitutional Amendment on Citizen Only Voting does not require verification of citizen status. 

States are prohibited from asking for proof of citizenship for federal elections, but states can verify

citizenship through state & federal sources. 


Contact KEY REPRESENTATIVES in the NC House 

·        thank them for the citizen-only voting constitutional amendment and 

·        ask for a new law to require citizenship verification using state & federal sources for new

registrations before the 2024 election.  These are the sources to recommend.


Help America Vote Verification (HAVV) information system maintained

by the Social Security Administration, the Electronic Verification of

Vital Events (EVVE) look-up maintained by the National Association

for Public Health Statistics and Information Systems, state and

federal Department of Transportation (DOT) databases.


These are the Representatives to contact.  They sponsored the constitutional amendment

and may be interested in sponsoring a new bill to require citizenship verification for those

registering to vote before the 2024 election.  You can write one email including all of them with a

subject line something like this - Requiring Citizenship Verification for new voter registrations in NC.

Please put the information in your own words as much as possible.,,,






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