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HAVA Complaint Hearing #5: Missing SSN# & DLs

From Carol Snow

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2024 8:45 AM

To: 'George Cleveland' <>;; 'Harry Warren' <>; 'Sen. Warren Daniel' <>; 'Hugh Blackwell' <>

Subject: RE: HAVA Complaint #5 - done.

HAVA Complaint #5 Hearing -


- the state board staff agreed the few examples I gave them from our list were indeed Lazarus voters (eligible voters brought back to life because the county BOEs mistakenly marked them deceased). But, hey, they’re human. They make mistakes. (On a registration list that’s been deemed part of our nation’s critical infrastructure and in a state where we had a statewide election end in a statistical tie in 2020, margin of 0.007%. Each county is allowed no more than 4 ineligible ballots or disenfranchised voters). 


- the state board staff admitted they need SSN-4 to accurately identify deceased voters, which means our voter registration form should require BOTH DL# and SSN-4.


- best of all, the state board staff agreed with us that eligible voters removed in error can simply register again and cast a provisional ballot if they’re not voting during early voting (SDR).   Exactly the point I made regarding removing the potential/probable duplicate registrations in error. Erroneously removing voters from the list disenfranchises NO ONE. 


Whereas counting ineligible ballots disenfranchises legally eligible voters by diluting the worth of our votes. 


Items that may be of interest:

KBB interrupted my time to ask WHO I work with (data analysts). I did not answer the question. When she asked why I wouldn’t tell her, she was told I don’t want to put their careers in jeopardy or have the MSM smear them. What matters are the findings, not who developed them. 


- KBB likes doing these hearings in person; she won’t hold future HAVA Complaint Hearings via WebEx. (Costing us a 7 hr drive today is of no consequence to her).


- I introduced Patrick Gannon to my husband by telling John I’ve been a PITA to Gannon for the past 3 yrs. Gannon: you’re not the only one. 


- Began by telling them I appreciated the opportunity to redress my grievances in a non-violent hearing, not with guns, bricks or setting cities on fire… which is true. 




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