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Ban the governor from controlling our elections. Call NC Reps Clampitt, Gillespie and Pless to override Cooper's Veto.

The Republican NC Senate overrode the Democratic Governor Cooper's veto that would ban incoming Gov Stein's control over our elections and transfer election power to the incoming Republican Auditor, Dave Boliek. (NC Senate Overrides Cooper's Veto of SB382)

The NC House now has to use their supermajority (while they still have it) to override Cooper's veto. Reps Clampitt, Gillespic, and Pless need to add their YEAH votes for the override. Please call them. The NC House will meet later this week to vote.

Rep Mike Clampitt (R) 919-715-3005 District 119. JacksonSwainTransylvania

Rep Karl E. Gillespie (R) 919-733-5859 House Majority Whip - District 120 CherokeeClayGrahamMacon

Rep. Mark Pless Republican - District 118 919-733-5732 HaywoodMadisonRepresentativies Clampitt, Gillespie, and Pless:

You did not support S382 that transfers our elections administratively to the Department of the State Auditor and takes our elections out of the hands of the Governor and the NC State Board of Elections and gives election administration to the NC Auditor.

Please support S382 to override Cooper's veto. You will be standing in the way of restoring transparency and confidence in our elections as evidenced by NC Election Protest 2024. You are losing your super majority and an opportunity to contribute to election integrity. The window is closing.

The Federalist recently published NC Republicans Move To Limit Democrat Governor’s Power Over Elections After Likely Losing Supermajority. Now, The Outgoing North Carolina Governor (Cooper) Vetoes Bill That Would Give GOP More Power.  Will you override Cooper’s veto NOW and pass H382 to restore confidence in our elections? You want our support, you need to support this bill to restore confidence in our elections. Please do the right thing for the citizens of North Carolina and vote to pass S382 before it's too late and we are stuck for who knows how long with elections that no one trusts.

Thank you.


Jane Bilello

As Thomas Jefferson wrote to his friend Richard Price on January 8, 1789:  “… whenever the people are well informed they can be trusted with their own government; that whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.” 


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