On Tuesday, Jefferson G. Griffin, the Republican candidate in NC Supreme Court race, requested a recount. The RNC and the @NCGOP are filing hundreds of protests over 60,000 ballots that should NOT HAVE BEEN COUNTED in the N Supreme Court race. The NCSBE failed to administer this election fairly. NCEIT has also filed complaints (prior to the 2024 election) for identification on ballots that lack social security numbers and drivers' license numbers along with dead people and felons. The NC General Assembly failed to act during the 2024 short session to address election integrity issues. This is how our elections are stolen.
We are now stuck with untangling this. They can still pass H770 Cast Vote Records while they still have the supermajority to override Cooper's veto.
Two Action Items!
Take Action! Please check with your local BOE and attend the protest meeting in your county as an observer. The other side shows up. We need to do the same.
Henderson county's protest meeting is Monday, December 2nd 2024 at 1PM.
For more information on when your County Board of Elections will hold a hearing on this matter, please visit the State Board of Elections’ website link found HERE