Thanks to your calls of protest, the Flat Rock Playhouse has taken down their page demanding vax passports, masks, tests, and the rest of their Marxist demands!
We celebrate our victories and then we move on to the next battle! Congrats to us. This is how we do it. One battle at a time. Thanks to your efforts, we all win!
Please note parents whose child participates: Health & Safety | Flat Rock Playhouse | Studio 52 " All youth students ages 18 and under participating in education programs are required to wear masks when indoors. No proof of vaccination or negative tests are required to participate at this time.
All adult students ages 19 and over participating in education programs are required to show proof of full vaccination and a photo ID on the first day of class."
You need to demand this cease!
On April 14, 2022, I attended the Flat Rock City Council Meeting and delivered this message and letter. They are in the process of determining their 2022 budget which will be finalized in June.
April 14, 2022
To: Flat Rock City Council Members
Mr. Weedman - Mayor: mayor@villageofflatrock.org Anne Coletta - Vice Mayor: annecoletta@villageofflatrock.org David Dethero - Council Member: daviddethero@villageofflatrock.org Barbara Jeter - Council Member: barbara.jeter@villageofflatrock.org Susan Gregory - Council Member: susangregory@villageofflatrock.org Matt Toner - Council Member: matt.toner@villageofflatrock.org
From Jane Bilello
Taxpayer: North Carolina, Henderson County, Flat Rock, NC
Dear Flat Rock City Council Members:
· The Flat Rock Playhouse has removed their vaccine passport mandates for adults from their health and safety policy and website page. While this is a step in the right direction, they continue to target children. (See below) They do not deserve our hard earned tax dollars.
As the NC State Theater, they receive state funding. The Flat Rock City Council and the Henderson County Commissioners also contribute to them. This is wrong. Many of us have contacted our legislators in Raleigh to defund them. Taxpayers hope you do the right thing and cease contributing to their blatant disregard for our right to privacy and freedom.
· I also ask you to consider changing your public comment period to the beginning of your meetings. Many of us work or have other time commitments and cannot remain for your entire meeting. Much appreciate your consideration in this matter.
Thank you for your service,
Jane Bilello:
Education Health & Safety Policy flatrockplayhouse.org/studio52-health-safety.
All youth students ages 18 and under participating in education programs are required to wear masks when indoors. No proof of vaccination or negative tests are required to participate at this time.
All adult students ages 19 and over participating in education programs are required to show proof of full vaccination and a photo ID on the first day of class.