Only Citizens Vote Coalition Join the Movement to Protect the Ballot Box for American Citizens. Sign up to get updates and information on the fight to protect American citizen’s rights to vote.
Over 21.7 Million Potential Noncitizen Voters
According to the Census Bureau, almost 22 million noncitizens were residing in the United States in 2022. That number has increased significantly as a result of President Biden’s open border.
19 States & DC Issue Driver’s Licenses to Illegal Aliens
And every state issues driver’s licenses to noncitizens. Federal law requires the use of driver’s licenses or social security numbers to confirm voter eligibility, creating a dangerous loophole that allows noncitizens to register . . . and vote.
85% of Americans Agree: Only Citizens Vote
The far-left is ignoring the vast majority of Americans who agree that only United States citizens should be able to vote in
American elections.
The Only Citizens Vote Coalition is dedicated to uniting American citizens and leaders fighting to ensure American citizens' voices are heard at the ballot box. We are calling on American citizens, our congressional leaders, state legislators, local election officials, and law enforcement to step up to the plate and end noncitizen voting.
Coalition Partners
The Only Citizens Vote Coalition is dedicated to uniting American citizens and leaders fighting to ensure American citizens' voices are heard at the ballot box. We are calling on American citizens, our congressional leaders, state legislators, local election officials, and law enforcement to step up to the plate and end noncitizen voting.
Advancing American Freedom
Advancing Integrity (Texas)
Aiken County SC Election Integrity
America First Legal Foundation
America First Works
American Family Association
American Target Advertising
American Values
Americans for Limited Government
Americans Winning Elections
Association of Mature American Citizens
Association of Mature American Citizens Action
Center for Election Integrity/AFPI
Center for Military Readiness
Center for Security Policy
Center for Urban Renewal and Education
Citizen Outreach Foundation
Citizens Renewing America
Colorado Institute for Fair Elections
Conservative Action Project
Conservative Coalition of North Carolina
Conservative Partnership Institute
Council for National Policy
Eagle Forum
Election Integrity Network
Election Oversight Group, LLC
Election Research Institute
Election Transparency Initiative
Electoral Process Education Corp. (EPEC)
EZAZ ("Easy Arizona")
FAIR Elections Fund
Family Research Council
Federation for American Immigration Reform
Florida Fair Elections Coalition
Freedom's Journal Institute
Georgia Election Integrity Coalition
Gold Institute for International Strategy
Greater Texas Votes
Heritage Action for America
Honest Elections Project
Immigration Accountability Project
Illinois Conservative Union
Illinois Election Integrity
Liberty Alliance (Missouri)
Louisiana Election Integrity Coalition
John K. MacIver Institute for Public Policy
Maine Election Integrity Coalition
Maryland Voter Integrity Group
Michigan Fair Elections
Moms for America
New Mexico Election Integrity Network
North Carolina Election Integrity Team
Ohio Election Integrity Network
Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs
PA Fair Elections
People for Opportunity (Oklahoma)
Physicians for Reform
Public Interest Legal Foundation
Rep. Ann Bollin, Michigan House of Representatives
Restoring Integrity and Trust in Elections (RITE)
Restore Liberty
Restore Minnesota
Restore Minnesota Action
Rhode Island Fair Elections Coalition
Salvo Journeys
Save our States
Stand Up Michigan
State Freedom Caucus Network
Tea Party Patriots Action
Tennessee Fair Elections
Texas Public Policy Foundation Election Protection Project
The Foundation for Government Accountability
Vermont Election Integrity Coalition
Virginia Fair Elections Coalition
Virginia Institute Action
Voter Integrity Project - NC
Washington Eagle Forum
Wisconsin Election Integrity Coaltion
Women Impacting The Nation
Working Together for New Jersey Election Integrity