Submitted by Wall of Honor HAFA Sentinel
Royal A. Brown III President, Winter Haven 912 LTC-(USA-Ret) Ultra MAGA and Proud of It "Tyranny Hates to Be Questioned"
RINO Traitors in the US Senate
I know this bad gun control law, the “Safer Communities Act of 2022” signed by Biden in July is “old business” to some but we should be reminded that 14 RINOs in the Senate helped all 50 Democrats make it possible for this Bill to get past the required 60 vote filibuster and become a new gun control law.
Some of the provisions of this 80 page law, The Safer Communities Act of 2022, include:
· Providing $11 billion for mental health services, including increased funding for the Medicaid Certified Community Behavioral Health Clinic program, increased funding for school-based mental health programs, and investments in pediatric mental healthcare services.
· Expanded background checks for individuals under the age of 21 purchasing firearms.
· Preventing individuals who have been convicted of a domestic violence misdemeanor or felony in dating relationships from purchasing firearms for five years.
· Providing $750 million for state grants to implement crisis intervention order programs, also referred to as red-flag laws, that would allow authorities to confiscate firearms from individuals who have been determined by a court to be a significant danger to themselves or others. The grants could also be used to support mental health courts, drug courts, veterans courts, and extreme risk protection orders-this wrongly incentivizes states by offering $ to pass Red Flag Laws.
· Providing $2 billion for community-based violence prevention initiatives.
· For the majority of purchases on long guns, the legislation mandated a waiting period of three days and upped the minimum age to buy a firearm to 21 years old, previously from 18 years old, among other measures.
· The full text can be read here.
The 14 RINO traitor Senators who voted to advance the bill were:
The bill’s co-sponsor, Sen. John Cornyn of Texas –
Minority Leader Mitch McConnell of Kentucky – he needs to GO
Sen. Roy Blunt of Missouri - Retiring
Sen. Richard Burr of North Carolina – Retiring
Sen. Shelley Capito of West Virginia -70% Freedom Index Score
Sen. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana – Voted to Impeach Trump
Sen. Susan Collins of Maine – Voted to Impeach Trump
Sen. Joni Ernst of Iowa – she has turned Rogue voting w Dems on many bills
Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina – a Globalist of 1st Order
Sen. Lisa Murkowski of Alaska – Voted to Impeach Trump
Sen. Rob Portman of Ohio - Retiring
Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah – Voted to Impeach Trump
Sen. Thom Tillis of North Carolina – 70% Freedom Index Score
Sen. Todd Young of Indiana -
It is easy to see why McConnell picked this crew to negotiate this bill along with 10 Democrats. You’ll also note that Sens Scott and Rubio did not vote Yay on this bill but in Scott’s case for the wrong reasons – Scott was quoted as follows.
“Over the last two weeks, I’ve seen many people compare the bill being considered in the Senate to what we did in Florida. These bills are not the same at all,” Scott said in his statement first obtained and reported by Politico.
“One was the product of a collaborative, well-defined and transparent process. (This is total BS – the FL Red Flag law which codified the Risk Protection Order (RPO) process of seizure without a hearing was almost a direct lift from a bad Oregon law and was written in only 2 weeks by RINOs Wilton Simpson and others – it does not provide Due Process. It was a knee jerk rection to a total failure of LE in Broward County and pressure from the left to Do Something - RABIII.)
“The other was the result of secret backroom dealings that did not include input from the majority of Republican members, committee hearings, nor opportunities for amendments, giving members barely an hour to read the bill before we were asked to vote on it,” he added.
“I was hopeful the Senate would follow an open and thorough process like we did in Florida. That is unfortunately not the case with the current bill and why I will vote no,” Scott said.
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steve Scalise (R-La.) stated they will not support the bill but Senate Majority Leader McConnell released a statement in support for the bill, saying: “Our colleagues have put together a commonsense package of popular steps that will help make these horrifying incidents less likely while fully upholding the Second Amendment rights of law-abiding citizens.” This statement is total, unmitigated Bovine Excrement !!!
Royal A. Brown III President, Winter Haven 912 LTC-(USA-Ret) Ultra MAGA and Proud of It "Tyranny Hates to Be Questioned"