Einstein wisely said that 'insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.' Ever wonder how many times the same corruption has to occur before folks figure it out. They need a new party! JB
The Daily Haymaker: June 11, 2023 by Brant Clifton: https://dailyhaymaker.com/whatley-regime-now-illegitimate-a-convention-goers-interesting-take/
NCGOP State Convention, June 9 - 11, 2023 So many lessons learned (- depends on who's doing the learning!)
From NC Audit Force
The Bible: Our Source of Truth
Since today is Sunday, it's only fitting to review the events of the NCGOP State Convention to see how well they line up with what Bible-believing Christians know to be true. Illustrating absurdity by being absurd: All Republicans are Honest and Trustworthy This weekend we learned from the leadership of the NCGOP that the Bible is missing two words from Romans 3:23. It should read, "For all, except Republicans, have sinned and come short of the glory of God". The concern raised on Friday and Saturday: This voting app will allow delegates to vote from anywhere in the United States, whether they're on the floor of the convention or not. This, of course, is against the rules. The reply from those in favor of using the voting app: Yes, that is true. But we are Republicans, and Republicans don't cheat. Conversation with Michael Whatley on Saturday at about 11:00am: "I just talked to Michael Whatley, shook his hand and spoke calmly to him about my concerns. This was the conversation, in a nutshell: Mr. Whatley, the rumor on the floor is that someone within the NCGOP has checked in but is out of state today and will be using the voting app to vote. The rule in the Plan of Organization is that delegates must be on the floor of the convention to vote. Will a head count be taken to by county to ensure all votes are by delegates in attendance? W: They voted yesterday to use the voting app. You'll have to take that up with Billy [Miller - the convention Chairman]. So you're saying there are no plans for each county to take a head count this afternoon? W: We are all Republicans, so I would hope no one would be breaking the rules. But you'll have to take that up with Billy." During the Voting Process it was learned: 1. Votes were cast in the Whatley vs Kane race for NCGOP Chair by delegates while they were in Wilmington, NC, as well as from a city in Wisconsin. Those are just the ineligible delegates that were uncovered. Obvious truth: We don't know what we don't know. How many others not in attendance voted? 2. *At least one convention guest (who was not a credentialed delegate) was able to use the voting app to vote. Answer from the Chair of the Convention: the voting app software automatically throws out those votes. However, that particular county had one overvote, so was that the truth? (*At least one - I actually received a forwarded text message of screenshot from another guest who was able to access the voting screen of the convention app.) Before the Convention it was learned: 1. One county did not vote on their delegates at their County Convention; instead, the delegates only signed up to attend the convention. DeVan Barbour, the Chair of the Credentials Committee was informed of this, and asked if the rules allowed a way to rectify this oversight. No answer was given. It is unknown if any action was taken at all. The delegates from this county were considered credentialed delegates and they did vote on Saturday. How many other counties also sent delegates on which no vote was taken at their County Convention? Invalid Ballots In, Invalid Ballots Out? One Nation Under God One word in the Pledge to our nation's flag can be substituted at will. Some Republicans may believe we are One Nation Under Trump, while others believe Exodus 20:3, "you shall have no other gods before Me". Was the 9th inning endorsement of Michael Whatley by President Trump a game-changer? There's no way to know. We do know after it was announced that President Trump endorsed Michael Whatley on Saturday, this text was being sent around: "Donald Trump is not my Savior." · Some believe Donald Trump uses a strategy to elevate people to positions of authority to shine the light on their corruption. · Some people know in our minds and in our hearts that Donald Trump is not the Way, the Truth, and the Life; as such, his endorsement means nothing when we are strong in our convictions. Good Trees vs Bad Trees Luke 6:43 can also be altered - when love is the motive. This weekend we learned this Biblical truth is not always the case: "No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit". It's ok to use an unreliable voting app (a bad tree) as long as our motives are pure to achieve quick results. We want to show love to our fellow delegates by providing them with a voting app so we're not wasting their time waiting 5 hours* to hand count. It's good to show love to one another by not making those with tickets to the VIP reception and/or the Trump dinner miss those events. This is known as situational ethics. Sometimes the end justifies the means. Every single person on the floor of the NCGOP State Convention, and everyone watching the fiasco unfold while it was being livestreamed into Auditorium II knows without a doubt the NCGOP's voting app was not functioning properly, nor was it secure. And that's putting it mildly. We saw people throw up their hands and leave, without voting at all. Just like the people of Maricopa County, Arizona, fellow Republican delegates were disenfranchised - not by the Maricopa Co Board of Elections or the AZ Secretary of State Katie Hobbs - but by the NCGOP leadership. This weekend we learned: in situations when love is the motive, a bad tree does bear good fruit. Luke 6:43 is wrong. Also, this too is wrong: For God is not a God of confusion but of peace, because sometimes confusion is Godly when it's at a Republican State Convention. End of illustrating absurdity by being absurd. (*The notion from the Wake BOE member that hand counting 1,863 ballots containing one race with two candidates would take "5 hours" is a deception straight from the pit of hell.) Life Lessons Many learn only from experience. Granville County: deliberately, only one delegate voted for John Kane so that the entire county's weighted votes (100%) would be attributed to him. Results from voting app were as follows: 1 vote for Kane (33%), 2 votes for Whatley (66%). Another County: "All 14 of our delegates said they DID vote, but the results for our county are showing only 13 of us voted." Unless all 1,863 delegates are canvassed to compare their actual votes to the reported results, we'll never know how many other discrepancies like this occurred in the state. Truth: Unequal weights and unequal measures are both alike an abomination to the Lord. The Bottom Line Truth: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Wherefore take unto you the whole armor of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. Patriots will continue to stand on the wall. Together. Our children and our grandchildren deserve nothing less.
North Carolina Audit Force is a Non-Partisan, Grassroots organization. Our PURPOSE is Simple:
Please tell us all the ways you'd like to VOLUNTEER by filling out the volunteer form. We have MANY tasks to accomplish to ensure our votes are secure. VOLUNTEER