Press Conference Video: The NORTH CAROLINA ELECTION INTEGRITY TEAM'S Press Conference in Raleigh on Wedneday, April 24th, 2024 at the Legislature https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/#inbox/FMfcgzGxStsrcJpBJxHSLmFFdWVtbZld?projector=1
Tuesday, April 23, 2024 Tel. (919) 770-4783
Joint Press Conference to Announce Election Integrity Legislative Agenda by NCEIT, VIP-NC, and NC Audit Force
Leaders of several Statewide Groups will speak at a joint press conference at 12:00 p.m. on April 24th in Front of the Legislative Building on Jones Street in Raleigh
Sanford, NC: During the long session of 2023, the North Carolina General Assembly (NCGA) wisely moved legislation that significantly reduced the vulnerability of North Carolina elections from manipulation and exploitation. The NCGA repealed authority for joining the shadowy Electronic Registration Information Center (ERIC), which threatened to further bloat the state’s voter rolls. Legislators then banned private funding of elections and built a firewall preventing widespread exploitation of our elections by unrestricted 501(c) organizations in Senate Bill 747. Section 37.(a) made it a misdemeanor offense for NGO's to affix tracking barcodes on ballot request forms. That change almost certainly will prevent hundreds of thousands of unsolicited ballot request forms from being sent around the state, reducing the risk of illegal ballot harvesting.
According to leaders of the Voter Integrity Project of North Carolina (VIP-NC), NC Audit Force, and the North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT), the state has not yet dealt with several glaring vulnerabilities in its election laws that could be exploited in 2024 and beyond, if left unchecked.
According to VIP-NC Director Jay Delancy “Making citizenship a constitutional requirement for voting - as it is in most other states - is vitally important. Passage of Senate Bill 630 would allow a ballot initiative this fall to make citizenship an unquestioned constitutional requirement for voting in future election cycles.”
Delancy also noted, “House Bill 770 (Cast Vote Records) made its way through the House in 2023 but stalled in the Senate before the end of session. The bill would assure access to artifacts needed for thorough post-election tabulation audits in 2024 and beyond.”
During the press conference, Carol Snow, one of the NC Audit Force leaders, will address many of the deficiencies with the state’s voter registration list, presently corrupted with duplicates, felons and registrants who have permanently moved. She observed, “Our voter registration form has only recently been updated to require submission of the SSN-4 or driver's license number. Over 224,000 of the registrants on our voter list are missing that HAVA-required information.”
Jim Womack, President of the North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT)stated, “This press conference will address other deficiencies for which legislative remedies have not been initiated, including: the abuse of same day registration, the costly and unnecessary length of early voting, inadequate auditing of election results, and exploitation of mail-in voting.”
This press conference is to be held Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. near the entrance of the Legislative Building, 16 W. Jones St., Raleigh, NC. Each presenter will respond to media questions as appropriate.
North Carolina Election Integrity Team
101 S. Steele St., Sanford, NC 27330
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