Asheville Tea Party as a Board Member of the North Carolina Election Integrity Team, is heavily invested in preventing voter fraud and assuring legitimate election outcomes. It will be the focus of our work.
Well over a thousand of you have attended poll observer training across NC. We had 4 live and 6 Zoom trainings alone in WNC. It's now time to address the other 7 systems of election integrity (task forces) - the work we do in-between elections - and the systems that the left has infiltrated and corrupted because we have been absent. No More!
Every Tuesday and Thursday (starting January 3rd), you can join an online Zoom training from the Election Integrity Network with the Conservative Partnership Institute: Contact Ned Jones for an invite.
Deputy Director, Election Integrity Network
Conservative Partnership Institute
List Maintenance: NCEIT is currently transitioning to new leadership for List Maintenance. We are in the works to create a statewide user friendly platform that all counties can use for List Maintenance. At this time,we are cancelling the List Maintenance training for Henderson and Buncombe counties. We will reschedule List Maintenance training as soon as the new platform is in place. Thank you so very much for supporting election integrity and for your patience. So sorry for any inconvenience.
We will be conducting task force training as scheduled.
Henderson County GOP Office: January 19th List Maintenance training: cancelled
Buncombe County GOP Office: January 25th List Maintenance Training: cancelled
Jane Bilello and Herschel Johnson and Tom Braine will be conducting in-person task force training on the Eight Systems of Election Integrity.
Locations and Time for Local Task Force Training
Scheduled: BCGOP Office: February 2nd at 1:15PM Organizing the Local Task Forces
Date and Time TBA shortly: HCGOP Office: Organizing the Local Task Forces List Maintenance:
Recruitment, Leadership and Networking for the Task Forces with Jane Bilello and Tom Braine/ATP & NCEIT Board
In-Person Task Force Training: Thursday, February 3rd, 2023 at 1:15PM: Buncombe County GOP Headquarters, 186 Regent Park Blvd., Asheville, NC 28806. And update on Buncombe Electioneering Complaint
In-Person Task Force Training, Henderson County GOP Headquartersl 170nFour Seasons Mall, Hendersonville, NC 28791. Date and time to be announced.
Networking & Leadership Training: Saturday, January 21st with Sue Butcher from Liberty First Grassroots/NCEIT Board in Wake County. 1705 Unity Church Rd., Willow Springs, NC 27592.10-3. Regisration required. Registration posted on www.LFGNC.org. $20 for lunch and materials. https://www.libertyfirstgrassroots.com/event-details/lfg-leadership-training
(When you register on any of the links, please delete Jane's information and submit your own. Thanks.)
Tuesdays at 4PM: researching and documenting the Vote-By-Mail process; investigate the vulnerabilities in the USPS Election/Political Mail system. Vote by Mail / USPS Working Group- Hosted by Ned Jones, CPI, 2nd & 4th Tuesdays- 4:00 PM https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZIpd-uvpzoqGteWtoe-7yYt0aCH21KIP7l7
Tuesdays: 1st and 3rd: Vulnerable Voters Working Group- Hosted by Kerri Toloczko, CPI, Jan 10th, then 1st & 3rd Tuesdays- 4:00 PM https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEqdu2prz4vGdA8IAM9UwWUlxa9uxRrttmE
Tuesdays at 6 PM: Citizens Research Project (Please note. 6PM is the new time. disregard 7PM) Citizens Research Group- Hosted by Ned Jones, CPI, Tuesday Evenings- 6:00PM
https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZcode6sqDIuHdEl8EkSrzqzFiYTGXp0tOSk (The how-tos of holding your school district/ exposing the Left's recruitment on college campusus/BOE and USPS grant money.) The Citizens Research Project will continue the work that we started in 2022, researching, documenting and exposing the infiltration into our election system by Left-wing, non-profit groups.
Wednesdays National Legislative Working Group- Hosted by Zoe Miller, The FGA, Wednesdays- 2:00 PM https://virginiainstitute-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEkcuuprD0sHNYMYEkRvCP2cdbwB7WdH76U
Thursdays Election Technology Working Group- Hosted by Jim Womack, NCEIT, 2nd & 4th Thursdays- 4:00 PM Contact Jim Womack directly if interested-
(Email- james.k.womack@gmail.com; or Text to: (919) 770-4783)
Legislative Action Days in Raleigh- February 8th; April 12th; June 14th. While Liberty First Grassroots lobbies for changes in our election laws and 2A protections, ATP in WNC and other NCEIT members will be making the phone calls to legislators. Look for those Action Alerts.
Building Out Our Legislative Action Working Groups: Join NCEIT.org to gain access to Member Resources and our weekly Tuesday 11AM call. This Tuesday, 1/10 is a presentation of our Legislative Priorities for the 2023 Long Session in Raleigh. Your Incident Reports are now affidavits and the proof legislators need to make changes to our election laws. You rock! Join the discussion. Join Legislative Action Days.