In HB 103 - the NC Budget -
an unvaccinated person could easily be labeled a public health rish under this current totalitarianism! Asl yourself how those of us NOT in the registry won't be tracked and placed on the 'unvaccinated' list? What is the criteria to be quarantined in HB 103? There isn't any. Some unelected official just has to declare you a public health risk!
In HB103 - our tax dollars will authorize tens of thousands of voter registration applications to be sent to unregistered voters, the scheme of the Left further corrupt our elections. Have you seen 'Rigged'? Besides the 501c3 Leftist $$ funding, we now have the legislature approving this Marxist scheme.
There is a rally being formed outside the legislative building in downtown Raleigh right now. (19:00EST 6/30/2022) to make our voices heard in opposition to the tyrannical parts of the legislative budget. These are our sister organizations. You need to do your part and call your legislators.
There have been two readings of the bill and they both passed the NC House and NC Senate as of 6/30/2022. A final vote is immenent. https://www.ncleg.gov/BillLookUp/2021/HB103. Click 'Pass' on the page and see who voted for this Marxist plan. The Republicans continue to thwart the will of the people by colluding with the Left to engineer the demise of our great nation and our state. Silence is consent. DON'T REMAIN SILENT!!!
YOU NEED TO CALL YOU LEGISLATORS RIGHT NOW BEFORE THEY HAVE A FINAL VOTE. And tell them NO on HB 103. Make it a election issue in November.
NC House Member List: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/MemberList/H
NC Senate Membere List: https://www.ncleg.gov/Members/MemberList/S
