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Letter to NCGA ignoring our concerns regarding noncitizens voting

Please write your letter to these senators and representatives plus your own. They are setting us up for a national disaster if they don't demand the NC State Board of Elections follow federal HAVA laws to remove noncitizens from the voter rolls.

Original message --------

From: Jane Bilello <>

Date: 8/11/24 5:53 PM (GMT-05:00)

To:,,, Representative Jennifer Balkcom <>, Rep Mike Clampitt <>,,,,, Rep Grey Mills <>,,,,,,,,,,, Senator Tim Moffitt <>, "Rep. Jake H. Johnson" <>, Rep Harry Warren <>, Senator Warren Daniel <>,,,,,

Cc: Jim Womack <>, Jay DeLancy <>, Joanne Empie <>

Subject: Dear NCGA: Why are you ignoring our concerns about noncitizens voting?

Jane Bilello

218 Vincent Place

Hendersonville, NC 28739

209 986 3845

August 12, 2024


Dear Senators and Representatives:

I write this with a heavy heart and with great trepidation that we are going to lose NC because you are ignoring our concerns about noncitizens voting in spite of the evidence North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT) and our members have shared with you. You have done nothing in this session to remedy the situation. The North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) is shirking their duty to clean the voter rolls as required by HAVA.  Our NCGA is in charge of our elections – you - not the out-of-control NCSBE.  Besides their negligence to verify citizenship, they are now issuing dictums to the county Boards of Elections to harvest poll observer data to broadcast on the NCSBE website, a clear violation of S747. 163-45.1 (c).  Did you also know that Paul Cox, at the recent State BOE Conference, announced that the NCSBE “Rules are the same as laws.” Please tell me, what more do you need to cage the NCSBE?


The November North Carolina Constitutional Amendment will not address this problem.  The amendment takes effect after the 2024 election, and it doesn’t provide a procedure to detect or a remedy to correct non-citizens registering and voting. 

Real IDs cannot be used to distinguish citizens from noncitizens. They look exactly the same. The Uniformed And Overseas Citizens Absentee Voting Act (UOCAVA) was designed to help military and families vote while deployed. In 2020 the UOCAVA vote was 63% civilian.  Military dependents are considered military and not civilian.  In my county, Henderson, there was an unprecedented tripling of the overseas ballots and they came without proof of citizenship. Overseas do not have to prove citizenship, identity or that they ever lived in the U.S.  They can submit a voter registration form using the federal form and ask to receive a ballot.

The 1996 Illegal Immigration Reform and Immigrant Responsibility Act is a federal law that states that it is unlawful for noncitizens to vote in Federal elections.  Punishment for violating the law is a fine, not more than one year in prison, or both.  Federal law also states that noncitizens who violate the law are ineligible to receive visas and ineligible to be admitted to the U.S. and deportable.  So, why is the NCSBE not verifying citizenship and why are you not demanding that they follow the law? 

 North Carolina is now faced with a precarious situation.  Do not set us up for the greatest voter fraud in American history. 


I hope you find it imperative to address the issues below promptly before it’s too late. 


  • There is nothing in HAVA requiring the Boards of Elections to verify citizenship.

    • Sec 303(a)(1)(A)(5)(iii) – it’s left up to the State.

    • Sec 303(a)(1)(B)(ii) – HAVA only requires verification of first/last namedate of birth, and whether the applicant is deceased.jay citizenship.

    • G.S. 163-82.14(c1) only requires verification of citizenship when someone is excused from jury duty, claiming they can’t be a juror because they’re a noncitizen.

    • G.S. 163-82.4 simply states they’re in violation of the law if they lie on the application form, claiming they’re a citizen when they’re not. (A Class I felony is nothing, btw. Max Sentence 24 months).

    • G.S. 163-82.20 simply states they’re not supposed to register to vote if they’re a noncitizen. It’s left up to voters to be honest.

    • G.S. 163-82.20A only refers to those who were incarcerated felons whose citizenship rights are restored after finishing their sentence.

    • G.S. 163-82.11 only refers to those who were incarcerated felons whose citizenship rights are restored after finishing their sentence.

    • You will find nothing in the NCSBE’s List Maintenance Procedures relating to verification of US citizenship because they don’t verify if someone is a US citizen.

  • The NCSBE won’t take it upon themselves to verify citizenship unless they’re mandated by State law. We have no such mandate in NC.

  • Finally,


Additionally, the State BOE Director was asked last year about verifying citizenship and the response was: “We are not the citizenship police”.


Applicants are citizens if they say so. It’s based on the honor system. Citizen analysts cannot verify citizenship status of any registrants because citizenship information is confidential.

The NC Auditor won’t verify the citizenship of those on the voter rolls, and neither will the NCSBE unless mandated by the Legislature to do so.

Will you please tell me WHY you are not reigning in these nameless, faceless, unelected bureaucrats determined to sink this election, our state, and our nation?  We are quickly running out of time to fix this horrendous mess.  We are supposed to be a nation Of, By and For the PEOPLE. We are now overrun with foreign nationals stealing our votes and our sovereignty and only you can stop it by reigning in the NCSBE. 

Thank you and I look forward to hearing from you.  


Jane Bilello


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