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Biblical Citizenship Course to Recruit for NCEIT Task Forces

Thank you, Catherine Pawlik, for reminding us of this course!

It is a zoom that meets once a week in the evening for 7ish weeks. I'm in week 3 and it is very very good. Besides being a very informative civics refresher, it would also be a good way to recruit more people into Election Integrity activities as it reminds us all about the founding principles of our country and dispels many of the myths being taught today. People can join into an existing class or decide to run one with their own small group. This would be a good program for church groups, youth groups, political clubs, etc. Since most of the materials are videos, it would not be hard for someone to run it within their own church, if they were so inclined. Announcing a Biblical Citizenship Course Consider this- Our Country is a Mess...a Moral-Ethical Mess...a Political Mess...a Financial Mess... a National Security Mess...and yet there is still hope in the midst of these messes. If you are looking for something that YOU can do to make a difference for Liberty… Consider taking this FREE ZOOM course and INVITE YOUR SOCIAL NETWORKS to JOIN YOU. Over 250,000 of your fellow citizens across the United States have equipped themselves through this training in the last few years and each year tens of thousands of additional liberty seekers join them. Education is Empowerment. As John Jay, the First Chief Justice of the Supreme Court said: “Every member of the State ought diligently to read and to study the Constitution of his country, and teach the rising generation to be free. By knowing their rights, they will sooner perceive when they are violated and be the better prepared to defend and assert them.” – John Jay Click the Blue Link below for a MUST WATCH preview video that will inspire you to join for the coursework. Register at the Red Button Below.


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