Donation to Fraternal Order of Police, Asheville
President Rondell Lance North Carolina Fraternal Order of Police Asheville’s Harold C Enloe – Lodge 1 18 Piney Park Rd. Asheville, NC 28806 December 21, 2021 Asheville Tea Party, Inc. Ashevilleteaparty.org AshevilleTeaParty@Reagan.com
Dear President Lance:
The Asheville Tea Party would like to present the Asheville Fraternal of Police with a $200.00 donation to help you with the good work you do for the community and to assist those families of police officers in need.
Thank you for your service to our community. We are staunch supporters of law enforcement. We wish for the restoration of respect and safety our police officers deserve.
In addition to raising funds for FOP, ATP has been involved in a nation-wide effort to Back the Blue. Sign the Pledge campaign. As Heritage Action for America Sentinels, we have gotten close to 227,000 citizens to sign the pledge that includes elected officials. ATP has personally given away several boxes of yard signs. We have especially had great success at the Land of Sky Gun and Knife Show in Asheville.
Thank you again for your service. We wish our law enforcement community a Merry Christmas and a Safe and Prosperous New Year.
Our Best, Asheville Tea Party Links Back the Blue. Sign The Pledge: https://heritageaction.com/policepledge Elected officials: https://heritageaction.com/search?q=support+police