The NC State Board of Elections (NCSBE) (s clearly aligned with Leftist groups and they are not hiding it. (See X post above.) This is what happens when the NC General Assembly (NCGA) allows this out of control group of unelected, nameless, faceless bureaucrats to get away with not following Federal law. Yes. States have that authority. Look up the law.
We are quite sick of listening to the lame excuses the Senate Rules, Senate Elections, and House Oversight and Reform Committees come up with to flee from their responsibility to protect our votes. We are going to lose this state and the country on Nov 5th unless our lawmakers do their constitutional duty of securing our elections. We've had meetings and sent information to them. They need to read the riot act to their 'leadership' - - Senator Phil Berger and Speaker Tim Moore - to come back into session to assure compliance with HAVA Federal laws.
We had a victory yesterday at the Henderson County BOE that was looking to crucify Linda, my hero. The leftist NCSBE was clearly looking to make her an example of what happens when a citizen exercises free speech, and redresses grievances from our lawmakers. This whole thing could have been avoided if the NCGA had done their job of making the NCSBE follow federal law, the very same laws Linda questioned lawmakers about.
Our Agenda: Take Our Country Back by Making it Easy to Vote and Hard To Cheat
By the way, Let's celebrate Constitution and Citizenship Day today while we still can! It's also Only Citizens Vote Week - WE THE PEOPLE even have a toolkit for citizens to move our state leaders to action. Take a look. https://www.onlycitizensvotecoalition.com/state-legislators-toolkit