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Public Records Request for Absentee Envelopes From Your BOE

When you attend your local Board of Elections meetings when they are opening and scanning absentee ballots, submit a Public Records Request (form Letter below) requesting copies of the absentee ballot containers. You need to fill in YOUR information. Suggest you hand deliver it. Ask for a receipt of delivery. (It's not going to make you popular with the BOE!)

[Your Name]

[Street Address]

[City, ST ZIP Code]


[Name of Custodian of Records]


[Company Name]

[Street Address]

[City, ST ZIP Code]

Director County Board of Elections County Board of Elections Director:

Pursuant to Chapter 132 of the North Carolina General Statutes, I respectfully request the opportunity to inspect and obtain copies of the following public records:

1. The total listing of all names of all absentee by-mail ballots returned, board approved and scanned, including but not limited to the in-person return logs from One Stop locations and the main office as they become available.

2. Copies of the container-envelopes with redactions according to statute.

I respectfully request that the production be made in electronic form, if possible. As records become available, please provide them on a rolling basis. If any record is withheld on any basis, please include that reason in your response. If you are not the custodian of any of the records described above, I respectfully ask that you promptly forward this request to the correct individual. If costs are going to be assessed against the requestor in excess of $25, please let me know before proceeding.

The law requires that you respond to and fulfill this request “as promptly as possible.” Given the fact that the County Boards of Election will begin county canvasses on November 18, 2022, it is imperative that the public receive this information immediately. Please provide the requested records no later than 5:00 P.M. on November 8, 2022.

You Name

Your Phone


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