Dear NC GOP County Chair:
We want you to be aware of what is going on in NC and around the country regarding election integrity to duplicate the 2020 Virginia election success and to encourage the Haywood County GOP to join the effort. There is an eight-state initiative to duplicate the 2020 Virginia election success spearheaded by the Conservative Partnership Institute (CPI) with the support of Heritage Action for America (HAFA), Voter Integrity Project (VIP) and the NCGOP and the RNC. (See *NCEIT Feb 4-5 attached.) The Conservative Coalition of North Carolina (CCNC), (the equivalent of Virginia's Election Integrity Coalition) is organizing the various parties to deliver training and a summit. They have already had meetings in DC in January and in Winston-Salem on February 4-5, 2022. Fifty plus grassroots groups attended. Michael Whatley was there to assure us that the NCGOP would be an active partner as well as David Warren of the RNC. On the last NC GOP Chair call, Michael Whatley invited Jim Womack, Lee County GOP Chair and Grassroots Director for the Conservative Coalition of North Carolina, to review the NCEIT initiative, progress and to encourage attendance at the trainings. (About | North Carolina Election Integrity (nceit.org) The eight state initiative includes the targeted states of Florida, Arizona, Georgia, North Carolina, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania. CPI is investing the time, energy, and funds in each state to assure we are building a permanent infrastructure to make it Easy to Vote and Hard to Cheat. The left is way ahead of us by stealing elections. We must put a stop to it. It took the left two election cycles to turn Virginia Blue. It took Virginia patriots one election cycle to turn it Red. (See Citizens Guide below that was the blueprint for the VA success and what the eight states are using to duplicate that success.) On March 5th, there was a hands-on training for observers and pole workers, etc in Sanford at Lee County GOP Headquarters. Jim Womack, CCNC's grassroots director and Lee County GOP Chair, along with Jay Delancey, VIP Director, are leading the training. On March 19th, there will be another in Pinehurst. The hands-on training will be duplicated all over NC in April and beyond to train volunteers. In addition, CCNC has also set up a website for remote training for volunteers. www.NCEIT.org. It will be behind a firewall. Access will be given to those vetted and then given a password. NCEIT also has weekly Zoom meetings at 11AM on Tuesdays by invitation only where attendees are vetted before admitted. If you would like to join the meeting, please let Jim Womack or Jay Delancey know. Each grassroots leader is in the process of recruiting volunteers for the training and for eyeing venues for the training. There are already three in mind for WNC. We already have every Saturday in April booked for training across the state. Training will resume in June. There will also be across the state rallies and a state summit probably sometime in late spring or early summer. Many moving parts. NC Election Integrity Team is currently building an army of volunteers to man the polls. This is important for you to know about. NCEIT is encouraging GOP chairs to let their folks know to take advantage of the training. Please also don't hesitate to call Jim Womack, Lee County GOP chair at 919 770 4783, james.k.womack@gmail.com. Jay Delancey: Voter Integrity Project: 919 332 4129 jay.delancey@gmail.com Thank you. Resources: *NCEIT: North Carolina Election Integrity Team Home | North Carolina Election Integrity (nceit.org) Citizens Guide to Building an Election Integrity Infrastructure: www.whoscounting.us Election Integrity Network - Who's Counting with Cleta Mitchell (whoscounting.us) Conservative Partnership Institute: Home - Conservative Partnership Institute (cpi.org) Heritage Action for America: The Truth About Voting In America https://heritageaction.com FYI: Report Critical Condition: Public Interest Legal: Report-Critical Condition-Web-FINAL Report.pdf https://publicinterestlegal.org/pilf-files/Report-Critical_Condition-Web-FINAL-FINAL.pdf Restoring Trust in Our Elections: Virginia Fair Elections. Easy to Vote. Hard to Cheat Virginia Fair Elections – Easy to Vote, Hard to Cheat. (vafairelections.org)