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Election Integrity Bills Critical Action Alert for 6-13-2023

NCEIT Legislative Call to Action 6-13-23

The NC General Assembly has combined our election integrity bills into an OMNIBUS bill. One in the House and one in the Senate.

This is what has not been included and why we need you to act.

There are critical bills that have not been included. NCEIT members have had meetings with these reps/senators. We have had legislative action days. We continue to need your help to get these crucial bills passed before the end of this session which is coming up around the 4th of July so we have the tools in place we need to provide the transparency and legitimacy to our elections that our citizens deserve.

i• Election Law Changes - Senate Bill S 747 Election Law Changes - NCEIT suggests that these bills be added to S 747 and has other recommendations

• H 770 Access to Voted Ballots (Cast Vote Records)

Call your legislators shown below to get these bills to move through the process.

1) What: Ask members of the House Election Law & Campaign Finance Reform Committee to pass

H 772 Poll Observer Appointments, Access and Activity. Why: The permitted activities for observers need to be defined so they are not prevented from completing their duties.

2) and H770 Access to Voted Ballots. H 770 Access to Voted Ballots (Cast Vote Records) Why: The public needs a means of having data available to check votes

Who to call: House Election Law & Campaign Finance Committee (It doesn't matter if you don't live in these districts. These reps are in charge of what happens to these bills. CALL THEM!)

Representative Grey Mills, Chair

(919) 733-574, Iredell

Representative Harry Warren, Vice Chair

(919) 733-5784, Rowan County

Representative Ted Davis

(919) 733-5786 New Hanover

Representative Jimmy Dixon (919) 715-302, Duplin & Wayne

Representative Frank Iler

(919) 301-1450, Brunswick County


**S747 is out with 70% or so of the requested changes in Chapter 163 of the general statutes.

Now in Senate Elections & Redistricting Committee.

The bill Improves Same Day Registration, parity at the polls, partisan oversight of early voting, removal of foreign nationals from voter lists, stops private funding of election activity, requires all ballots be in by 7:30 on election day, and stops private barcoding of ballot request forms;

It DOES NOT address removal of duplicate registrants from voter lists, public access to CVR's, clarification of Poll Observer permitted activities, audit provisions, or UOCAVA reforms.

3) Ask members of the Senate Rules to pass S747 Election Law Changes with the NCEIT

suggestion to include H 772 on Poll Observers and H 770 on Access to Voted Ballots in their committee.

Who to call: Senate Rules & Operating Committee (Remember, it doesn't matter if you are in their districts or not, they are in committees holding up these bills and they need to be held accountable to We The People.

Senator Bill Rabon, Chair, Chair

(919) 733-5963

Brunswick, Columbus & New Hanover

Senator Warren Daniel , Vice Chair

(919) 715-7823

Buncombe, Burke, & McDowell

Senator Paul Newton (919) 733-7223


Senator Ralph Hise, (919) 733-3460

represents Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Haywood, Madison, Mitchell, Watauga & Yancy

Senator Brent Jackson,

(919) 733-5705

Bladen, Duplin, Jones, Pender & Sampson

Senator Joyce Krawiec,

(919) 733-7850 Forsyth & Stokes

Senator Jim Perry, (919) 733-5621

Beaufort, Craven & Lenoir

Senator Norm Sanderson,

(919) 733-5706

Carteret, Chowan, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, & Washington

Senator Benton Sawrey

(919) 715-3040 Johnston

Sponsor of S 747

Senator Carl Ford

Rowan & Stanly (919) 733-5665

Sponsor of S 747

Senator Amy Galey

(919) 301-1446

Alamance & Randolph


You can also Let your House and Senate legislators know that you support these bills.

You can identify your NC House and Senate members with this link Click on the name and it usually brings you to a page with contact info.

If it does not, use these links to find the contact info and click on their name.


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