Help us to lay wreaths at the Western Carolina State Veterans Cemetery (NCWCBM) in Black Mountain. 962 Old Us Hwy 70 W, Black Mountain, NC 28711
(828) 669-0684 Directions here.
Please help us Remember, Honor, and Teach on December 17th by sponsoring a wreath or volunteering to help. Volunteers can report to the cemetery at 10:30 AM. We will begin laying wreaths at 11:00. The ceremony will begin at noon.
Sponsor a Wreath for a loved one here.
A Look Ahead for 2023
The Conservative Coalition of North Carolina - CCNC - serves on the Board of the North Carolina Election Integrity Team (NCEIT). Asheville Tea Party serves on the board of both.
This is what we have accomplished this year.
NCEIT Readiness & General
Experience in November 2022 Election Cycle
Please note: There will be weekly Zoom trainings on
List Maintenance by county
Ned Jones of the Conservative Partnership Institute will conduct Zoom Classes on how togain
Access to the Postal Service: Joining Local Advisory Groups
Securing the vote of Vulnerable Voters
What we accomplished in 2022
•1025 Trained Staff Enrolled in NCEIT- principally serving as Poll Observers
•Used state-of-the-art Website to manage & direct training and collaborations among 80 of 100 Counties
•25 of 100 Counties Staffed by NCEIT-trained Poll Observers & reported into our interactive Statewide Election Integrity Reporting System (SEIRS)
•Most other counties reported into RNC’s (black hole) Zendesk system
•More than 2000 total reports logged during Early Voting and on Election Day; most problems corrected on-the-spot with election officials
•Dozens of reported procedural issues and substantial violations of NCGS 163-45(c)- Poll Observer Mobility
•Many violations of 18 U.S. Code § 245 (b)(1)(A)- denying Poll Observers their federally protected rights of access
•NCSBE denied NCEIT staff access to important election equipment needed for adequate observation & monitoring
•NCSBE attempted to circumvent NC statutes by proposing onerous rules limiting poll observer access in the voting enclosure- denied unanimously by the RRC
•NCSBE thwarted transparency and uniformity of the election process- limited observation of the mail-in ballot processing, limited access to Logic & Accuracy Testing, and denied release of cast vote records (CVRs)
For complete report on PDF, click on link below.
https://view.officeapps.live.com/op/view.aspx?src=https%3A%2F%2F3a2f9df9-ae09-4ace-bd5d-d291bd41393e.usrfiles.com%2Fugd%2Ff20547_f6d7565137f242b4926a0f8ade1e1a0a&wdOrigin=BROWSELINK NCEIT is taking the affadivits we colleted from over 1000 poll observers to the General Assembly. It's already happening. We will get voter ID. With a newly elected conservative NC Supreme Court, we now have the go ahead from the US Supreme Court to challenge voter ID that was taken from us by progressive judges.
This is what we will be addressing in 2023. It's why we need you.
Legislative Oversight: Meeting with legislators to change election law and legislate others.These are the issues we are taking to the legislature. Starting in February, we will be having Legislative Action Days to lobby our NC representatives. Join the Army. NCEIt.org/Join Us i you are not on the team. We also need county coordinators to oversee the eight systems of election integrity.
What we will be addressing after January 1st.
Voter Rolls and List Maintenance: a 2023 priority. We have bloated voter rolls. We will be having trainings via Zoom and in person. This is a county by county project that needs you.
Absentee by Mail Voting: Is a sham. It must be dialed back to pre-covid. Absentee ballots have doubled. It must be stopped.
BOE Election Management Transparency: Form task forces in each county to hold them accountable.
Election Official and Poll Observer Training on Access to Equipment
Lack of Public Trust in Tabulatin and Vote Tallies
These are the systems the evil Leftists have infiltrated and corrupted and what we have been absent! Will you le it continue? Or will you come to help us secure our vote!
