To Senator Berger, Representatives Clampitt, Gillespic, and Pless and the Senate Rules and Operations Committee:
Rep Mike Clampitt (R) 919-715-3005 District 119. Jackson, Swain, Transylvania
Rep Karl E. Gillespie (R) 919-733-5859 House Majority Whip - District 120 Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon
Rep. Mark Pless Republican - District 118 919-733-5732 Haywood, Madison
Sen Phil Berger (R) (919) 733-5708 Senate President Pro Tempore Republican - District 26 Guilford, Rockingham
Senate Rules and Operations Committee
Chair: Sen Bill Rabon (R) (919) 733-5963 (Brunswick, Columbus, New Hanover)
Sen Warren Daniel (R) (919) 715-7823 (Buncombe, Burke, McDowell)
Sen Ralph Hise (R) (919) 733-3460 Alleghany, Ashe, Avery, Caldwell, Haywood, Madison, Mitchell, Watauga, Yancey
Sen Todd Johnson (R) (919) 733-7659 Cabarrus, Union
Sen Paul Newton (R) (919) 733-7223 Cabarrus
Sen Norm W Sanderson (R) (919) 733-5706 Carteret, Chowan, Dare, Hyde, Pamlico, Pasquotank, Perquimans, Washington
Sen Michael V. Lee (R) (919) 715-2525 New Hanover
Representativies Clampitt, Gillespie, and Pless, all WNC Representatives from Jackson, Swain, Transylvania, Cherokee, Graham, Macon, Haywood, Graham and Madison, did not support S382 that transfers our elections administratively to the Department of the State Auditor and takes our elections out of the hands of the Governor and the NC State Board of Elections and gives election administration to the NC Auditor.
1) Call and put pressure on Representatives Clampitt, Gillespie and Pless, all from WNC, and tell them to support S382 to override Cooper's veto. They will be standing in the way unless you convince them otherwise.
Message: Call and keep calling!
The NC State Board of Elections will be dissolved into the State Board and under the perview of the state Auditor and out of the hands of the governor. There will be 3 Rs and 2 Ds to serve on state and local local boards of elections. The Auditor will appoint Board of Elections members, not the governor. This is a win, win. See SB382, pg 30 here. The veto is possible because right now, Republicans have a supermajority that they lost in the 2024 elections. The super majority window is closing!
The Federalist recently published NC Republicans Move To Limit Democrat Governor’s Power Over Elections After Likely Losing Supermajority. Now, The Outgoing North Carolina Governor (Cooper) Vetoes Bill That Would Give GOP More Power. Will you override Cooper’s veto NOW and pass H382 to restore confidence in our elections? You want our support, you need to support this bill to restore confidence in our elections.
Rep Mike Clampitt (R) 919-715-3005 District 119. Jackson, Swain, Transylvania
Rep Karl E. Gillespie (R) 919-733-5859 House Majority Whip - District 120 Cherokee, Clay, Graham, Macon
Rep. Mark Pless Republican - District 118 919-733-5732 Haywood, Madison
2) The Senate Rules and Operations Committee did not pass H770, Cast Vote Records, that our Auditor needs to conduct a true forensic audit. To make matters worse, Cast Vote Records, H770, passed with bipartisan support on 9/20/23. It’s been languishing in the Senate Rules Committee for 15 months!
Cast Vote Records (CVRs) H770, is an essential artifact for post-election audits to reconcile and to restore confidence in our elections (which we still do not have). Why transfer authority of our elections from the governor to the auditor in S382 if you will not give him the tools he needs to conduct a true forensic audit? We don’t trust elections or machines because there is no transparency or oversight.
Was there truly cross over voting from a Republican President to Democrats in the NC cabinet, Senate and House? Only CVRs will expose the truth. (The Senate Rules and Operations owns the NC Election Protest 2024 going on right now.) The Senate Rules could have passed Cast Vote Records during the short session and before the 2024 election as we urged, but they did not. Cast Vote Records allows us to see why all of the down ballot candidates lost. Cast Vote Records (CVSs) are the only way to a true forensic audit.
For the Auditor to perform a true forensic audit, he needs Cast Vote Records, H770. The Senate Rules needs to give the Auditor the tools to restore confidence in our elections The Senate Rules needs to get H770 out of committee and to the floor for a vote now while they still have a veto proof majority which they will lose shortly. Republicans should leave a legacy of Election Integrity and not doubt and mistrust.
There is a Senate Rules and Operations Committee meeting on Monday, December 2, 2024 at 10am. NCEIT team members will attend. You can also see the meeting Live Stream.
Jane Bilello