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NCEIT Training Completion Certificate

Print, sign, witness, take a picture and send to or text 209 986 3845. Thanks

Training Completion Certificate

As an official VIP Election Observer, I hereby agree to the following code of conduct during

my scheduled Observer activities (please initial each space and sign below):

(1) ______ I will not electioneer while on duty;

(2) ______ I will not talk to voters or election assistants inside voting enclosure;

(3) ______ I will not look at voters’ confidential information (PII)

(4) ______ I will not look at a voter’s completed ballots

(5) ______ I will not take any photography inside the voting enclosure

(6) ______ I will not board a vehicle containing curbside voters;

(7) ______ I will not “assist” any voters while on duty;

(8) ______ I will avoid behavior that could be viewed as “impeding” the process;

(9) ______ I will strive to avoid any behavior that could be viewed as “intimidation;”

(10) ______ I will strive to remain my precinct/early voting site, as scheduled;

(11) ______ I will coordinate any scheduled changes with my party supervision.

Name (print) _____________________________________

Signed _____________________________________ Date _________

Witness (print) _____________________________________

Signed _____________________________________ Date _________

(Note: IF you abide by the above statements, you have enough training to stay out of trouble

while serving as a poll observer. To become an effective poll observer regularly visit our

Observer-Training website,

To apply as a poll observer, send a snapshot of this completed form to the

County Chairman of either the Democrat, Republican, or Libertarian Party.


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